Prime Health Daily

Type 2 Diabetes Risk + Statins

“The benefits outweigh the risks”? I bet your doctor might have said that to you, especially if you’re dealing with type 2 diabetes and taking statin drugs. But let’s talk about that for a sec.

Sure, statins are what doctors often prescribe to lower cholesterol, and they became super popular when cholesterol guidelines tightened up a few years back. Now, you’ve got millions of folks popping these pills, thinking they’re dodging heart disease bullets left and right.

But here’s the kicker: the risks with statins are no joke. Like, seriously.

Especially if you’re already dealing with type 2 diabetes. These meds come with a laundry list of potential side effects, and one of the biggies is the increased risk of—you guessed it—type 2 diabetes.

I mean, picture this: a bunch of researchers studying over 8,000 people, and they find out that taking statins bumps up the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by a whopping 38 percent! And it doesn’t matter which brand of statin you’re popping or how much—you’re still playing a risky game.

Oh, and then there’s this: if you’re already carrying some extra pounds, the diabetes risk shoots up even more.

Talk about adding insult to injury.

Now, let’s talk about why statins mess with your diabetes risk in the first place. One big reason is they mess with your body’s insulin resistance. That’s a big no-no because insulin resistance can lead to all sorts of trouble, like inflammation and even heart disease. Ironic, huh? You take a drug to avoid heart issues, and it might just land you smack dab in the middle of them.

And here’s another fun fact: statins can actually spike your blood sugar levels. Normally, your liver stores away excess sugar as cholesterol, but statins put a kibosh on that process, sending that sugar straight back into your bloodstream. Not cool.

And let’s not forget the laundry list of other side effects these pills can bring on.

Muscle pain, kidney problems, memory loss—you name it, statins can probably dish it out.

But this could be even worse: statins mess with something called CoQ10, which your body needs to keep things running smoothly, especially your heart. So not only are these pills messing with your blood sugar, but they can also leaving you feeling like you’ve been run over by a truck.

And if you think your cholesterol numbers are the be-all and end-all when it comes to heart health, think again. Total cholesterol is just a tiny piece of the puzzle. It’s all about that HDL/Total Cholesterol ratio. And if your doc’s only looking at your total cholesterol number, well, they might be missing the bigger picture.

So before you pop another statin, maybe consider other ways to keep your ticker ticking. A healthy diet, low in carbs and sugars, can work wonders without all the nasty side effects. After all, there’s more than one way to keep your heart happy.

NEVER Use This Sweetener – It’s Diabetic Poison:

If you’re suffering from type 2… you’re poisoning yourself every time you use this sweetener.

It’s frustrating, because you’ve probably been told that it’s a “healthy” alternative to sugar.

But that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Scientists in Singapore just blew the whistle about this dangerous sweetener. They discovered that if you use this sweetener…

It makes your blood sugar spike just as much as gorging on pure sugar.

I can’t believe greedy companies are keeping the truth from us. Because if you’re like most diabetics, this is your go-to sweetener.

Can you guess which sweetener I’m talking about?

1. Stevia
2. Honey
3. Sucralose
4. Aspartame

Click your answer above to see if you’re correct.