Prime Health Daily

This Fruit Fights High Blood Pressure In Older Adults

It’s a leading cause of death among older Americans, yet few people know they have it.

The name? High blood pressure, a condition which can eventually lead to stroke and heart failure.

In its early stages, people rarely know they have it as it produces no tell-tale symptoms, leaving it undiagnosed for years. People over 40 face the highest risk of developing it, due to an accumulation of poor eating habits, lack of exercise, or the usual wear-and-tear of a high stress work environment.

Now new research reveals one way people can combat it at home, without the use of drugs.

Published in the Journal of Gerontology, researchers found that people who drank 200 grams of a blueberry extract had better blood flow due to its effects on the endothelium, a membrane found inside blood vessels.

When optimized, this membrane helps arteries contract and dilate more easily, reducing unnecessary pressure. This, in turn, helps prevent high blood pressure.

In the study, it resulted in a 5 mmHg decrease in systolic blood pressure.

Experts’ recommendation? Fill up on blueberries regularly–even if you don’t have high blood pressure. This fruit is highly nutritious; just a single serving could make a drastic effect on your heart’s health. Now eat up!