Prime Health Daily

Blood Sugar + Water Trick

As you get older, your risk of developing type 2 diabetes increases, regardless of your personal family history.

And the reasons why you could develop it get weirder and weirder.

Get this: One study found that drinking water containing trace amounts of arsenic led to a higher risk of this disease.

People often consume it unknowingly by drinking tap water, or drinking water that is locally sourced from a well.

If you live in a certain state, such as New Hampshire, Maine, or Michigan, there’s a higher likelihood you’ve sipped arsenic-laced water as well.

It isn’t always obvious when it is affecting your health, either.

Usually, it gradually causes symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea, and stomach pain, symptoms that can also describe a variety of health ailments.

So how do you avoid it?

Here are 3 easy ways to keep safe:

– Invest in a water cooler with a reverse osmosis water filter. 

Though pricey, these water coolers help reduce levels of arsenic in drinking water, as well as other pollutants such as copper, fluoride, lead, and barium.

– Don’t drink local tap water.

It is more likely to contain higher levels of arsenic, putting you at risk.

– Drink bottled water if possible.

Bottled water usually contains lower levels of arsenic, and is considered safer overall.

Remember: Always be proactive about your health. You never know what could harm you.