Prime Health Daily

Add This Spice To Food (burns fat daily)

It’s true: As you age, losing weight becomes even more difficult.

A combination of hormones and a slower metabolism are to blame here, especially if you’re going through menopause too.

But don’t fret just yet–here’s one trick that could make losing weight easier.

Try This to Lose Weight

The next time you sit down for a meal, try using this spice.

In a study published in the Biophysical Journal, mice given slow-releasing capsaicin lost weight and had lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels, improving their overall health.

Capsaicin is the active ingredient found in chili peppers, which is commonly used as a spice to make foods hotter.

Just by adding chili peppers to your favorite dish, you too could potentially lose weight.

But it gets even better.

As another bonus, chili peppers work as a natural appetite suppressant, promoting fullness faster.

That means you’ll consume fewer calories throughout the day, making weight becomes effortless.

So go on, add a little spice to your diet–it’s an easy way to slim down!