Prime Health Daily

2 Easy Tips To Fight Heart Disease

Here’s a simple tip that reduces your risk of heart disease, regardless of age or gender.

To lower your risk, add dairy to your daily diet–especially the organic kind. Research shows this reduces the risk of heart disease by 20 to 36 percent, depending on the type of dairy consumed.

Although any type of dairy is beneficial, here are two products to watch out for:

1. Yogurt. While it isn’t clear from research how it works, data from the Nurses’ Health Study and Health Professionals Follow-Up Study shows that people who consumed the highest amounts of yogurt were 20 percent less likely to develop major coronary heart disease. Combining it with other heart-healthy habits, such as eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, and lean protein products, also enhanced its effects on the heart.

2. Grass fed milk. Though more expensive, the splurge is worth it, according to research. People who consumed grass fed milk had higher levels on conjugated linoleic acid, which reduced their risk of a heart attack by 36 percent. They were more likely to have healthier hearts overall. Grass fed milk can contain 5 times as much CLA than regular pasteurized milk, which, researchers note, tends to be beneficial for heart health.

To get your fill, always choose organic–and, if possible, buy directly from organic farmers. This ensures you’re getting the highest quality dairy available in your area.